Monday, August 30, 2010

Disaster Picture

Photo by WHO/Syed Haider

"This hospital in Nowshera district and more than 200 others have been damaged and destroyed during the floods, greatly reducing the healthcare available for survivors."

This just adds to the challenges that the people of Pakistan face at the moment.

Retrieved 30 August, 2010 from

Click on the above link to see more pictures from Pakistan


This is the link to the United Nations volunteer website. People can register to go on their list of volunteers which may be contacted if needed. There is a minimum age of 25 years and minimum of two years working experience to apply. Check out the FAQs for more information.

This is a link to a PDF information document regarding UN volunteers responding to disasters. It a some information on past responses they have carried out.

Friday, August 27, 2010

At what stage can occupational therapists help

Occupational therapists can be involved in three aspects of disasters: preparedness, response and recovery (Scaffa, Gerardi, Herzberg & McColl, 2006).

Disaster Preparedness

This involves taking action before the disaster occurs. The occupational therapist can educate individuals and communities on what do to in a disastrous situations. They can individuals and organisations to develop suitable emergency response plans, they can also educate and train employees on how to handle emergency situations (Tierney, Lindell, & Perry, 2001 as cited in Scaffa et al., 2006). Occupational therapists can work with vulnerable communities and their employers to design effective emergency plans.

Occupational therapists can help emergency agencies such as Civil Defence plan emergency sites and shelters. Occupational therapists are skilled at carrying out environmental analysis, therefore they can help agencies to minimise environmental barriers of shelters (Scaffa et al., 2006).

Asher and Rosenthal Pollak (2009) discuss how preparing for an emergency involves having a plan in place to prepare and respond to an emergency. This article focuses on how occupational therapists are well suited to develop evacuation plans for children with disabilities in schools. The authors discuss how the skills an occupational therapist has regarding knowledge of a client’s capabilities and needs, along with an understanding of environmental accessibility puts them in an ideal position to take this role.

Disaster Response

Responding to emergencies can happen just prior to, during, and shortly after the disaster impact, with the aim to address the immediate needs of the victims (Scaffa et al., 2006). Scaffa et al also explain that occupational therapists can help during this stage by providing mental health support to victims, their families, and to emergency services personal and volunteers. Roberts (1995) discusses how victims of major disasters will have been traumatised by experiencing the events, and as a result are likely to suffer physical and psychological trauma. Therefore mental health support is important to help ease people’s trauma.

Pascarelli (n.d., as cited in Strzelecki, 2006) discusses that occupational therapists work with disaster victims to help them figure out what is important, and help them to rebuild their lives. Pascarelli also talks about helping the victim to regain control in their lives, and to help them to put their life back in order. Scaffa et al. (2006) discusses the interventions that occupational therapists may carry out, such as helping to provide routine and structure, encouraging creative expression of feelings, and helping with stress management.

Scaffa et al. (2006) talks about the basic underlying theory of occupational therapy, that engagement in occupations facilitates adaptation. Scaffa et al. also gives some examples of occupations that the victims can engage in including carrying out meaningful occupations, physical activity and play, through engagement the victims may get some respite from the reoccurring thoughts, and worries they may be experiencing. Strzelecki (2006) reminds us that occupational therapists must also be aware of the toll on themselves and to conscious of looking after themselves too.

Disaster recovery

Recovery happens post disaster. During this stage there is much to do, buildings may need repairing, public utilities need re-establishing, social and economic activities and routines need restoring (Scaffa, et al., 2006). The community infrastructure has been affected. Occupational therapists should look out for people suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder, as this can have a last effect on the person and their well-being (Scaffa et al.)

The important thing to remember is that without the use of activity, occupational therapy does not occur (Clarke, 1999 as cited in, Scaffa et al., 2006). Through occupation people can learn to deal with stress, learn coping skills, and help them to meet their needs. Roberts (1995) discusses how that the very purpose of occupational therapy is to enable people to help themselves.
There is of course another large role occupational therapists can carry out, that is physical rehabilitation. Often in cases of disaster there is a shortage of suitable equipment (Foote, 2003).
To read more about the experiences of Tammy Foote, an occupational therapist working in disaster relief check out her article, in the reference list below. She talks about her experience living and working as a disaster relief occupational therapist in Montserrat, an island that had a major volcanic crisis. She was offered a post there as she had registered with the United Nations Volunteers.


Asher, A., & Rosenthal Pollak, J. (2009). Planning emergency evacuations for students with unique needs: Role of occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 14(21), CE1-CE8

Foote, T. (2003). Disaster relief: an emerging practice area. OT Practice, 8(12), 18-23.

Roberts, G. W. (1995). Trauma following major disasters: the role of the occupational therapist. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58(5), 204-208.

Scaffa, M. E., Gerardi, S., Herzberg, G. & McColl, M. A. (2006). The role of occupational therapy in disaster preparedness, response and recovery. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60(6), 642-649.

Strzelecki, M. V. (2006). Deconstructing disaster. OT Practice, 11(4), 14-17.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Red Cross

This is a link to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies disaster management website. It has information and resources about all the good work they do.

Also check out this map, it shows you the operations they carried out in 2008. The colours of the pie charts represent the types of operations carried out, and the size of the pie charts reflects the size of the operation.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

News articles

This is a link to the Guardian (UK newspaper) regarding disasters. It has up to date news on natural disasters and extreme weather.


Also another link from the BBC wondering if there is anything we can do to prepare for disasters.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Disasters and occupational therapy

I thought I would start by telling you what the definition of disaster is in relation to occupational therapy.

Scaffa, Gerardi, Herzberg and McColl ( 2006) discuss that disasters can be classified into two categories: natural or technological (human-made). Natural disasters include floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis. Technological disasters include nuclear power plant accidents, mass transportation accidents, accidents involving hazardous materials (eg oils spills).

Fritz (1961, as cited in Scaffa et al., 2006) discusses that a disasters can cause loss of lives, physical injuries and also disruption to social structures. Disasters have a short or long term effect on the occupational performance of individuals and communities (Scaffa et al., 2006).

A disaster occurs when a hazard impacts on vulnerable people (

This is where occupational therapy comes in. The focus of occupational therapy is to facilitate engagement in occupation in order to promote health and well-being, and to enhance their quality of life (Scaffa et al., 2006). I will talk more about this and the role the occupational therapist takes later.

Scaffa, M. E., Gerardi, S., Herzberg, G. & McColl, M. A. (2006). The role of occupational therapy in disaster preparedness, response and recovery. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60(6), 642-649.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is going on in the world?

Everytime the news is switched on there seems to be coverage of a new disaster happening somewhere in the world.
Just in the last few weeks there has been flooding in Pakistan, China and North Korea. Early this year there Haiti and Chile experienced major earthquakes.
This got me thinking about whether there is role for occupational therapy in disasters. And what if anything can we as a profession do to help.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Welcome to my blog, my name is Olivia and I am currently a third year occupational therapy student. This blog is part of my presentation for the 'diverse OT' student conference.


In disastrous situations, people’s environments can alter and they may experience a change in their occupations. Occupational therapists can play an important role in helping individuals and communities to prepare and respond to a disaster. This blog will look at the role of occupational therapy in the emerging field of practice that is disaster management.